21 Day Re-boot

3 week program: achievable, flexible, online

The 21 Day Challenge is for anyone who wants to start improving their health and fitness in a manageable, sustainable way. It will help you see small benefits quickly so you can stay motivated.

Do you…

  • feel tired in the morning, or need more energy during the day?
  • want to eat more healthily but aren’t sure what/how to change?
  • need a clear health and fitness plan to follow that will get results quickly?

Yes? It’s time for a challenge! The 21 Day program can help you on the road to improved health and wellbeing.

Family hiking
Small changes, like going for regular walks, can make a big difference

Small steps. BIG difference.

Join our 21 Day Challenge today, and we will help you to make small manageable daily steps – incorporated into your day – that can create a big difference to how you look and feel inside and outside. We will be your accountability checkpoint and support you every step of the way.

Are you ready to change?

It’s really all down to your personal commitment and motivation to make a change. Are you prepared to step out of your comfort zone to feel stronger and fitter or get more energy to play with your children or grandchildren? What motivates you each day? Is there something that you wish for every day in your life that would change everything? 

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, as 21 days is the time required for new neuropathways to be fully formed in your brain. In reality, although some habits can be formed in just 21 days, others will take longer.

The 21 Day Challenge will guide you with small achievable daily steps to help boost your energy, improve your health (mind and body), so you can achieve that dream, and really start living to your full potential! Sign up here

Why our approach gets results

Having a healthy mind and body is more than just about food and exercise. Our 21 Day Challenge is designed around the 6 Foundation Principles of Health – Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, Breathing, Sleep and Thoughts. These address key areas that impact your body and affect how you move and feel. See testimonials from happy clients!

This program can be started at any time, so why not make it today!

How the program works...

  • Sign up here
  • You’ll receive a welcome email, and your challenge starts the next day
  • Log in to your program, and complete the Lifestyle Check. This has 10 questions to give you a snapshot of where you are today, and a percentage score before you start the 21 Day Challenge. You can then repeat the test at the end of the 3 weeks to see how much you have improved!
  • Log in to your online program to access the resources you’ll need
  • Download and print off your Week 1 Tracker (days 1-7 of the Challenge). This will give you 6 simple goals to focus on each day 
  • Write down your ‘why’ (a dream that will motivate and excite you every day) and 2 goals for the challenge
  • Weigh and measure (waist and hips) if weight loss is one of your goals
  • Take a ‘before’ photo (optional, but a nice way to look back and see some physical changes)
  • Calculate your daily water target (you’ll get info about this via email and in your online program info)
  • Try to do all of the daily challenges (shown on the challenge sheet, and in your online program info)
  • Every day you will receive an email with motivational tips, health hints, useful facts and recipes to keep you on track. 
  • Log in to your online program to get info to help with the challenges (articles, videos, recipes, links, etc). You can mark topics as completed once you’ve read the info
  • On your Tracker, tick your Daily Habits boxes daily as you go (6 areas each day, relating to the challenges for each of the foundation principles).
  • Complete Daily Reflections to record your main challenge of the day and what you are most happy about.
  • At the end of the week, fill in your weekly tracker online (or upload your printed tracker) so Nick can give you feedback
  • You’ll receive your challenges for the next 7 days
  • Check your online program to prepare for the next week
  • At the start of the next week, go to your online program to access that week’s supporting information and download your new Tracker

Nick is super keen to follow your progress and provide encouragement, so will be in touch to provide feedback.

  • To review your Lifestyle Check quiz at the start
  • To review your Week 1 Tracker after day 7
  • To review your Week 2 Tracker after day 14
  • To review your Week 3 Tracker after day 21 and  your Lifestyle Check when you finish

You’ll be asked to complete a Lifestyle Check to compare it with when you started, and will receive feedback on this. You are also eligible for a certificate! You can continue to access your account for 7 days after the program ends. After that, you can decide if you want to complete any of the other programs, such as the 12 Week Challenge, or individual 1:1 Lifestyle Coaching.

Click here to see a comparison of all programs

21 Day Re-boot

Quick, achievable changes - notice a difference in just 3 weeks!
$ 21 per week ($63 upfront)
  • Just $3 a day – less than a coffee!
  • Online program
  • Start anytime
  • 3 week program
  • Do it on your own terms
  • Daily email with tips, facts & resources
  • Weekly feedback from coach
  • 1 Free eBook!
  • Single payment $63
Boiled eggs breakfast
Simple nutrition changes, like adding protein at breakfast, will boost energy and overall health

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