
Client testimonials

Seeing people change their lives for the better is what keeps us going! 

Personal video stories

Watch video stories to see how Nick Ellson’s health and lifestyle programs have made a difference to people’s lives! 

"Recently I completed a 21 day holistic health and fitness challenge set me by my personal trainer Nick Ellson. It covered 6 areas of health - nutrition, movement, hydration, thoughts, sleep and breathing.

Some I found quite easy, as I already exercise regularly and have a balanced diet. Other aspects were a challenge, particularly remembering to stop and channel my thoughts (one week was a 'gratitude' challenge) and to do the breathing exercises (also really help with sleep). And in week 3, I was so crazy busy that I wondered if I would be able to do any of the new challenges - but to my great surprise and pride, although I didn't necessarily take on new things that week, the habits I had learned in weeks 1 and 2 (such as really committing to 2 litres + of water per day and reducing sugar and caffeine intake) stayed with me and helped me to continue to feel great throughout a stressful busy week.

I really recommend this challenge to anyone who wants to develop better health and lifestyle habits as the things I learned in those 21 days continue to guide my life".

"Thank you Nick! I’ve learnt so much over the past 12 weeks – it’s made quite a difference to my energy levels and how I feel about myself. ​ Specifically, I’ve lost 6kgs, 4cm round my waist, 3cm off my arms, and this is all just from small changes. What I love about the challenge is it’s not overwhelming, there isn’t an overload of information, and there’s always someone there checking in."
Jane W
Port Hedland. WA
"Nick has provided the motivation and support I needed to change my unhealthy lifestyle. Before, I would use my back injury and limited free time as an excuse. Thankfully this is no longer the case. Nick tailors all sessions to my specific needs and comes to my house. With Nick's guidance, I'm now eating healthier, exercising a few times a week and losing weight!"
Arana Hills
"Today I’m thankful for Nick Ellson - he has chosen a career that inspires others to do life better. We are half way and I am down 4kg and 5cm everywhere! I am thankful I had my 1st glass of soft drink in 2 weeks and it was toooo sweet I couldn’t drink it".
"Monday: no artificial sugar – only sugar hit was from a few dates, an apple and a small container of fruit salad. I have been doing low sugar for a couple of weeks now so the cravings are definitely not as bad and finding out how much sugar is in certain foods/sauces is amazing!! A bottle of tomato sauce has around 40 teaspoons of sugar in biscuits or chocolates for me anymore!"
"I’ve been doing 2 group workouts a week plus trying to do a big walk or gardening on the weekend. Feeling heaps better and so much more energy since starting the challenge. I really like the weekly tracker. I pin it up at work and tick off the days as I go".
Arana Hills

"This is a big shout-out to personal trainer, Nick Ellson, for all that he brings to our group PT session each week. Underlying his patient, kind, caring personality is a calm determination to help each and every one of us achieve our individual fitness, health and lifestyle goals.

Nick is so much more than a personal trainer; he is a motivator, a mentor and an educator who is committed to helping us achieve our best each and every day. Every PT session is well thought out and planned; no two sessions are ever the same".

"I've got so much benefit from training with Nick. Each week he tailors our sessions to make sure we have lots of variety & are being stretched in our fitness. Nick has had a holistic approach to our wellbeing & provides advice on nutrition & other healthy habits. I highly recommend Nick as a great trainer beyond just exercise programs"
"From Day 1, Nick’s commitment to my health, digestion, sleep and well-being was phenomenal. He analysed my diet, looked at my sleep patterns and even my breathing. Overall, I have lost 8kg and more than 30cm of body fat."
"Nick is a true professional in this industry, an advocate of best practice and is the standard by which any fitness trainer should be measured. Thank you, Nick, for providing me with a solid foundation for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle…physically, mentally and emotionally. I am truly grateful for the experience."

My husband Scott and I have been doing PT sessions with Nick now for just over 2 years and we embarked on the 12 Week Busy Parents challenge this time round. I just wanted to say the impact it’s had on myself personally.

Prior to starting this challenge, I was probably drinking a Red Bull a day, if not every second day. I suffer from migraines from a benign brain tumour and the Red Bulls were what gave me relief from them. However, during the sugar free weeks I wanted to go without the Red Bulls and I can safely say I have not touched one now for more than 4 months. I feel better, I’ve got more energy, I’m able to get out of bed earlier in the morning and I haven’t had a migraine since I stopped taking them."

"I was trying to figure out how to get back into exercise after having kids. A neighbourhood friend put together a regular early morning training session with Nick Ellson & I'm very grateful. No matter how hard it is to get up in the dark to go, my day is always (without fail) better for it! I've also seen how just one session a week has had a positive impact on other parts of my life. Many thanks Nick!"
"With our vastly different fitness levels my partner and I were really unsure if personal training could work for us, so we figured that we'd do a ring around of local trainers, try a few sessions and test things out. That was 9 months ago and we haven't looked back. Right from the beginning Nick stood out as someone who was reliable, friendly, and really cared that the programs he set up were perfect for us."
Bennedine and Glenn
Arana Hills
"One major win for me: I used to drink Pepsi max all the time (a few a week). The other day I had one for the first time in 10 weeks. I had a few mouthfuls but then couldn’t drink it - I just didn’t like the taste anymore - so. That’s one habit I’ve kicked. It isn’t much, but every little thing counts right?!"
Dalby, QLD
"My family has been training with Nick for almost two years. We love that Nick tailors our training to meet our goals to be fit for snowboarding before our trips, as well as focusing on strength exercises throughout the year. His encouraging manner and creativity ensure that each session leaves us feeling challenged but also confident. Having had the opportunity to participate in one of Nick's online programs, I am appreciative of his whole body approach as he sets daily and weekly goals, videos to demonstrate exercises and provides advice on nutrition, sleeping and breathing habits. Nick, thanks for your commitment to keeping us on track!"
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